Hakea scoparia - Broom Hakea - 20 Seeds
Hakea scoparia, commonly known as the Broom Hakea, is a many stemmed rounded shrub to from 1 - 3m in height with smooth grey bark. The latin name scoparia means broom, referring the broomlike foliage of this species. Individual leaves are terete (long and thin) ending in a fairly sharp point, usually held upright or slightly curving and to approximately 27cm in length and fruit that follows is elliptoid, with a small but prominent beak.
Flowers on this species are a creamy white, aging to pink and then deep red and is a long flowering plant with blooms produced in semi globular clusters in the leaf axils or on old wood from Winter to Spring. Flowers are produced in profusion and in full bloom it is a delight, the rather sparse foliage of this one gives the attractive flowers a good showing and is a nectar producing species popular with nectar seeking birds - the downside is that the scent is not the most attractive.
This species is from Western Australia, occurring naturally inland from Perth from Northampton south to Dumbleyung and east to Yilgarn. It is found on sand over laterite, sandy clay and loams and can take somewhat heavier soils than many WA species. Frost tolerant, it does best in an open sunny position and not for locations with high humidity.
This is a useful and quite versatile species - it can be hedged, provides useful shade, is ornamental, provides useful wildlife habitat, can be used as a low windbreak and for controlling soil erosion.
Propagation from seed is straight forward and germination in 3 - 4 weeks.
20 premium quality seeds shipped on receipt of cleared funds.