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Grevillea eryngioides - Curly Grevillea - 5 seeds

Grevillea eryngioides - Curly Grevillea - 5 seeds


This Australian native Grevillea has a really different habit compared to other Grevilleas, it has a suckering and clumping habit with glaucous foliage with dissected leaves 9 - 14cm long x 1.3 - 2cm wide, branchlets are non glaucous.  The flowers are held at the ends of long stalks above the foliage and are in shades of pink, red, purple, brown, yellow and green in Spring to Summer.


Growing naturally on sand or sandy clay over laterite, often with gravel on flats.


This is a great addition to the garden and adds interest because it is so different!


5 premium quality seeds shipped on receipt of cleared funds.

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