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Eremophila longifolia - Berrigan Emu Bush/Dogwood - 10 seeds

Eremophila longifolia - Berrigan Emu Bush/Dogwood - 10 seeds

Eremophila longifolia - Berrigan Emu Bush / Dogwood / Long Leaved Eremophila
A beautiful Aussie native with pretty dusky pink tubular flowers In Spring to Summer!
This grows as an evergreen rounded shrub to small tree, 4 - 8m tall with an attractive weeping habit drooping branches with greyish green pendulous leaves to 20cm long, narrow and tapered at both ends.
Showy dusky pink to reddish tubular flowers have their main flush in Spring to Summer, but can occur throughout the year, flowers are 2 - 3cm long, growing in clusters of 1 - 5 in the leaf axils. The fruit that follows is fleshy,pruple to black when ripe, globular and 1cm in diameter containing the seed which is a single hard four celled stone, note that fruit will only occur if there is adequate rain thoughout the year, so seeds are not often available.
Prefers an open sunny position with no shade in well drained soil, and drier climates, it tolerates moderate frost and is extremely drought tolerant when established. 
It has a natural distribution in arid and semi arid regions of all the mainland states but is absent from the wetter coastal belt along eastern Australia and SW WA. 
Myoporum insulare is very compatible for grafting Eremophilas and makes an excellent rootstock that can make Eremophila more suitable to grow in humid coastal climates.
Responds well to pruning and note that it has a suckering habit, use a low phosphorus fertiliser.
This makes a gorgeous garden specimen with showy flowers en masse as a feature, in garden beds, as a street tree, windbreak or as a screen.
This listing is for 10 premium quality seeds shipped on receipt of cleared funds.
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