Bauhinia purpurea - Deep Purple Orchid Tree - 15 seeds
The Purple Orchid Tree is a delightful Winter flowering evergreen that can be a tree to 6 - 10.5m or a multi stemmed shrub, depending on how you wish to treat them. Originally native to India and China, the Bauhinia is now grown widely throughout the world in warm climates where the minimum temperatures do not drop below -5.5°C.
These are spectacular trees and the purple variety is a charming and decorative tree, flowering times seem to vary quite widely but generally from Summer to Autumn, although it is not uncommon to see them blooming from as early as Christmas and as late as Winter.
Bauhinia is easy to grow from seed and usually shows good viability with a high percentage germinating readily. The seeds should be soaked in aerated water for 1 - 2 days and then planted in a good compost and kept well watered in a shady place until the seedling emerges. Alternatively they germinate well placed in a plastic bag with wet sphagnum moss and then placed in a good composted potting mix, once the first leaves are visible move the pot to a place with plenty of light and do not over water.
Bauhinias are light loving plants which can grow rapidly so you must need sufficient space for them to grow and they are not suitable to be kept indoors. They should be kept in a deep pot and if the weather is dry and windy, add more water if the plant shows any sign of wilting, plant out in their permanent position after the danger of frost has passed.
15 premium quality seeds shipped on receipt of cleared funds.