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Acacia dealbata - Silver Wattle - 30 seeds

Acacia dealbata - Silver Wattle - 30 seeds

Acacia dealbata, commonly known as the Silver Wattle, is a medium sized tree growing to about 30m tall and is one of those species which retain the fern like, bipinnate foliage throughout their lives (in most other species, the bipinnate foliage is replaced by flattened stems called phyllodes).  The pinnae (the divisions of the pinnate leaves) are up to 55mm long and usually an attractive bluish-grey in colour. 
The plant has smooth, greyish green to dark grey bark which becomes fissured with age. 
The pale to bright yellow flower clusters are globular in shape and are produced terminally or in the leaf axils in Winter to Spring. 
It is well known in cultivation both in Australia and overseas (where it is known as 'Mimosa") and is a hardy plant suitable for a wide range of climates and soils, provided they are reasonably well drained.  It is probably too large for average-sized gardens but is ideal for parks and larger properties and for use as windbreaks.  However, it should not be grown outside of its natural range because of its potential to naturalise and become weedy. 


30 premium quality seeds shipped on receipt of cleared funds.
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