A big welcome back to some of our favourite and most popular seed lines! Refilling our stock of some really interesting species at the moment and looking for more unusual varieties as well! Keep an eye out for email updates, we'll be introducing more in the coming days and weeks.

Adansonia gregorii - Australian Baobab
The ultimate feature tree!
The Australian Baobab is a well known and easily recognised feature of dry landscape. This tree grows in the wild to 14m and develops a huge swollen bottle-like trunk, it is deciduous with palmate leaves with each leaflet growing to 13cm. An often overlooked facet of this tree are the flowers and fruits - the large white flowers with fluffy prominent anthers appear on long stalks in late Spring or early Summer. It also produces ball-like fruits that grow to 10cm in diameter, the flesh of the fruits is edible and has a sherbet-like tang and are often carved as novelties.
Easily propagated from seed this tree grows quickly at first and then more slowly with age. Suited to tropical or sub-tropical climates it lends itself to Bonsai or can be grown as a tub plant or indoors in soil-based potting mix in full light until it becomes too large. When grown outdoors it prefers moderately fertile sandy soil in a sunny position.
With its huge bottles and frequently forked trunks the Baobab makes a stunning feature tree. In Australia the Baobab grows well in northern areas and as a feature in Brisbane and also makes a classic Bonsai subject.

Eucalyptus macrocarpa - Mottlecah
Huge pink to red flowers that nectar feeding birds love!
The Mottlecah or Bush Rose is a sprawling Mallee shrub endemic to Western Australia growing up to 3m in cultivation with smooth shiny yellowish brown to grey brown bark that is shed in ribbons.
It is a spectacular spreading tree with silver green leaves and red to rose pink to red flowers that are up to 10cm wide - by far the largest of any Eucalypt and has a long flowering period from Spring to Summer and buds are covered with a silvery grey powdery coating. During this time is nectar producing and a great favourite of nectar seeking birds as well as for bees and other insects.
Makes a fabulous feature shrub, screen, windbreak, street tree and has great foliage, flowers and decorative seed pods that can be used in arrangements.
It will grow well in full sun or partial shade and while it grows well in almost any soil it is not at its best in heavy soils and is frost resistant to at least -7°C.

Grevillea petrophiloides - Pink Pokers Grevillea
Striking pink flowers held on spikes, makes quite an impact in the garden!
Grevillea petrophiloides is an erect, open shrub to 3m high with most flowers held erect on floral stems above the foliage but some flowering also occurs within the outer foliage. The flower racemes are up to 8cm long and the flower colour ranges from mid to deep pink, flowering usually occurs in Winter and Spring. The foliage is dark green, finely divided and held quite erect. This is a very ornamental species which occurs in sandy and rocky areas in quite specific soil types. It has proven difficult to maintain in cultivation and appears to resent humid conditions and poor drainage but is very hardy when established in suitable conditions. Some success has been achieved in unsuitable growing areas through grafting. Propagation may be carried out from seed and germination is improved if the seed is carefully "nicked" with a sharp knife to expose the embryo and good results have been achieved generally using smoke products.
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