We have decided to add a few new seed bundle collections to our stores, giving our customers the opportunity to get a variety of seeds without having too many seeds left over or a heap of seedings that you don't need or don't have space for.
If you're anything like me, I love to propagate seeds but don't always have space for them, Mark is always asking where on earth are we going to put these! So we have been selling excess plants and looking to expand this further, not sure if we will be offering plants online yet but we may be in the future. If you'd be interested in that, please let us know and we will see what sort of interest we get and try to get these things going!
Introducing our new seed bundles! If you'd like to get these, they are up on the stores now!

Australian Native Bonsai Collection #1 - 100 seeds
Acacia howittii - Sticky Wattle
Allocasuarina torulosa - Forest Oak
Banksia integrifolia - Coastal Banksia
Ficus macrophylla - Moreton Bay Fig
Leptospermum petersonii - Lemon Scented Tea Tree

Exotic Bonsai Collection #1 - 75 seeds
Bolusanthus speciosus - Tree Wisteria
Cercidiphyllum japonicum - The Katsura Tree
Ficus religiosa - Sacred Fig
Sequoiadendron giganteum - Giant Sequoia
Taxodium distichum - Bald Cypress

Exotic Bonsai Collection #2 - 100 seeds
Betula pendula - Silver Birch
Cryptomeria japonica - Japanese Cedar
Cupressus funebris - Chinese Weeping Cypress
Liquidambar styraciflua - American Sweetgum
Paulownia tomentosa - Princess Tree

Ficus Bonsai Collection #1 - 100 seeds
Ficus benjamina - Weeping Fig
Ficus macrophylla - Moreton Bay Fig
Ficus obliqua - Small Leaved Fig
Ficus religiosa - Sacred Fig
Ficus retusa - Ginseng Ficus

Ficus Bonsai Collection #2 - 100 seeds
Ficus benghalensis - Banyan
Ficus coronata - Sandpaper Fig
Ficus microcarpa - Cuban Laurel
Ficus racemosa - Cluster Fig
Ficus watkinsiana - Strangler Fig

Australian Wildflower Collection - 100 seeds
Arthropodium strictum - Chocolate Lily
Brunonia australis - Blue Pincushion Flower
Ptilotus spathulatus - Pussy Tails
Pycnosorus globosus - Billy Buttons
Rhodanthe chlorocephala rosea - Pink and White Everlasting Daisies
Looking forward to hearing from you all, I do love to hear about and see photos of our seeds germinating or any requests and feedback you guys have. We want to give our customers the best products and services available so feel free to drop me a line and let me know what you think or show us how you are going with propagating our seeds!
Follow us on our socials and share posts if you think others will be interested, by buying from us you are supporting a small family business and we appreciate all of you!
Happy growing!
Jazz Carter